Loveland  |  Fort Collins  |  Windsor Painting & Deck Refinishing

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Ready to discover the possibilities? Contact our customer care team now to schedule a free, in-home project estimate today. At A Brush Above, our name says it all… we deliver elevated craftsmanship.

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Residential Painting

Backed by more than 25 years of industry experience, our knowledge and skills ensure excellence in craftsmanship. Driven by the belief that the customer is king, we strive to deliver service that sets a new industry standard while guaranteeing your complete satisfaction.

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Deck Refinishing

With more decks stained and finished than any other company in Northern Colorado, we guarantee a result that will last for years. We often repair the damage caused by “professionals” not as skilled as we, restoring beauty and improving functionality to your outdoor deck.

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Quote Request

Ready to get started? Schedule an in-home, no-obligation project estimate now. We promise a prompt, friendly response by a knowledgeable, courteous team member. Licensed, bonded, and insured, we offer elevated craftsmanship you can trust. Call, email, or fill out our online form. 

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